Wednesday, September 4, 2019

5 Common Knee Injuries from Trucking Crashes

The sudden force of a truck accident poses numerous health hazards. It’s a well-acknowledged fact that trucking accidents are deadly. If you are fortunate enough to survive the crash, you may still end up with minor cuts, bruises, broken bones, traumatic, or permanent injuries. Knee injuries are one of the most common forms of harms in crashes. However, you are entitled to claim compensation for all the losses and injuries. Our truck accident lawyers in Alexandria, LA at the Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess are adept at obtaining maximum compensation for all the damage.

Let’s take a look at 5 common knee injuries in trucking accidents:

1. Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains are some of the most common types of knee injuries. In most instances, medical professionals prescribe rest, ice, compression, and exercise. Severe strains may lead to damage of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and the joint capsule surrounding the knee.

2. Knee Dislocation

Knee dislocations are relatively rare. If untreated, the dislocation may cause serious problems such as amputation. It’s therefore important to get in touch with a medical professional immediately after an accident.

3. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury: After a deadly trucking accident, you may find that the ACL has been damaged. This ligament runs across the knee to provide it strength and stabilization. Any damage to ACL needs instant medical attention. After an ACL injury, you may have difficulty in walking. Ongoing medical treatment is crucial to treat it.

4. Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury: The posterior cruciate ligament is much stronger than ACL. Due to its strength, it requires greater trauma to seriously injure or tear it. Depending on the severity of the injury, PCL may cause instability in the joint. Treatment of PCL may range from the use of ice pack to surgical repair.

5. Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury: MCL injuries frequently occur in trucking accidents. When you have an MCL tear or sprain, you may end up having a tingling sensation around your knees. These injuries may require surgery and long-term rehabilitation.

If you’ve suffered injuries to your knees due to a trucking accident, you can recover compensation for your medical bills, pain, and suffering, and lost wages. However, you need to prove the negligence and liability of another driver. Our auto accident attorneys in Alexandria at the Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess have a team of paralegals, clerks, and assistants to resolve complicated trucking accident cases with ease. In an 18-wheeler accident, the trucking company could be held vicariously liable for the negligence. So, call us to recover all the losses.

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