Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Fines and Penalties for Drunken-Driving Accidents in Louisiana

Louisiana is known for parties and good times. People in the State, however, often suffer terrible consequences because of these events. As per the Government estimates, more than 3,000 people have been killed in Louisiana in drunken-driving collisions over the past decade. More people have been injured, and many have suffered life-altering injuries such as brain trauma, paralysis, and amputations. Unfortunately, even though strict drunk driving laws exist in Louisiana, there are multiple incidents of drunken-driving accidents. If you or your family has been affected by an auto accident due to drunken-driving, the auto accident attorneys in Monroe are here to fight for your rights. 

In this post, let’s take a look at the fines and penalties imposed for drunken-driving accidents in Lafayette:

Proving Negligence in Drunken-driving Accidents

  • As per the Louisiana law, car drivers aged above 21 years are considered guilty of drunken-driving if the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08%. Driving under the influence may also include use of drugs or a combination of alcohol and drugs.
  • Commercial vehicle drivers are considered drunk when the BAC is .04%.
  • Drivers below the age of 21 are considered drunk when the blood alcohol level is .02% or above.
  • Fines and Penalties 
  • Lawbreakers face imprisonment from 10 days to 6 months and are required to pay a fine between $300 and $1000. The license of the driver is also suspended for 3 months. However, if the offender’s BAC is .20%, the driver’s license is suspended for 2 years and has to pay a fine amount between $700 and $1000.
  • If the offender commits the same offense again within 10 years of the conviction, he is subject to pay a fine between $700 and $1000. The driving license is suspended for one year, and he faces an imprisonment of 30 days.
  • When the accused commits the same offense for the third time within 10 years, h/she faces imprisonment for 5 years. The fine increases to $2,000 and the driving license is also suspended for 2 years.
  • If the person commits the offense for the fourth time within 10 years, h/she faces imprisonment for 10 to 30 years. The fine rises to $5,000 and the license is suspended for 2 years.

Commercial Drivers

Apart from the penalties present in Louisiana’s drunken-driving laws, a commercial driver convicted of drunken-driving is prohibited from operating a commercial vehicle for one year. Also, if the driver is found carrying perilous materials, the imprisonment increases to at least 3 years.

Teenage Drivers

If someone under the age of 21 drives with a BAC of .08%, the offender may get penalized like the adult. The offenders who break the rules for the first time are subject to pay a fine of $100 to $250. Also, they need to participate in the court-approved driver improvement program. For a subsequent offense, an underage driver may face anywhere between 10 days and 3 months of imprisonment.

Costs of Drunken-driving Accidents

It’s important to understand that there are costs related to drunken-driving accidents. The victims of drunken-driving accidents are often left with physical, emotional, and financial damage. The cost of medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and funeral expenses may all add up and lead to a financial crisis.

Get in Touch With Our Auto Accident Attorneys in Monroe

If you or someone you love has been hurt in an accident caused by a drunken driver, it’s advisable to get in touch with seasoned attorneys as soon as possible. Our auto accident attorneys in Monroe at the Law Offices of L. Clayton Burgess have more than two decades of experience in tackling complicated auto accident cases with ease and efficiency. Having been in the industry for many years now, we understand that it takes a considerable amount of time and effort to investigate a car crash and build a case of liability. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means that we do not charge any fees unless we win monetary compensation for you.
For legal queries, call us at (318) 716-3118