>> Did You Know?
As per the internal clock, every individual needs sleep between midnight and six in the morning. Even truck drivers who may be used to driving at these hours may still get drowsy. Drowsiness affects the reflexes, slows reaction time, and impedes the ability to make decisions.
As per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drowsy driving led to 72,000 crashes, 44,000 life-threatening injuries, and 800 deaths in the US in 2013.
>> Truck Drivers and the Pressure to Deliver on Time
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates the hours of service for truckers and allows tractor-trailer drivers to drive up to 11 hours at a stretch and not beyond that. Unfortunately, truckers are often under immense pressure to work the maximum allowable hours and operate the vehicles even when fatigued.
Due to the immense stress to deliver cargo on time, it’s not surprising that truckers end up using prescription drugs and over-the-counter stimulants to keep themselves awake. It’s important to understand that stimulants may avert the symptoms for a short span, but the brain and body never get the optimum rest they need.
>> Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving
Despite FMCSA’s best efforts to implement regulations to prevent deadly accidents, there still has been 20% increase in the number of commercial trucking accidents. Here are some warning signs of drowsy driving:
• Yawning
• Drifting lanes
• Blinking frequently
• Hitting a strip on the side of the road
>> Ways to Prevent Drowsy Driving Before Taking the Wheel
• Get enough sleep
• Develop good sleeping habits
• If there are symptoms of sleep disorder, talk to a medical professional for treatment options
• Avoid drinking alcohol or other medications that make you fall asleep
>> Common Injuries in a Trucking Accident
If a gigantic rig hits a passenger car, the accident is more likely to be deadly. Common injuries you may suffer in a trucking accident include:
• Head, spine, back, and brain injuries. Neck and spine injuries often leave the patient paralyzed
• Minor injuries such as bruises, cuts, abrasions, and scrapes. However, it’s advisable not to neglect such injuries as small cuts may also become serious when infected
• Soft tissue injuries such as strains, sprains, and pulled muscles
>> Types of Damages You Are Entitled to in Trucking Accidents
When you are injured in a trucking accident, you are entitled to receive compensation (if the accident was not your fault). Even if you are partially at fault, you may be entitled to economic, non-economic, and punitive damages. Our Baton Rouge trucking accident attorneys work with a seasoned team of paralegals, clerks, and assistants to fight for your legal rights and obtain maximum compensation you are entitled to.
>> Types of Damages in a Trucking Accident
** Economic Damages
These damages are those that can be quantified. They include:
• Lost wages
• Medical expenses
• Future medical expenses
• Future loss of wages
** Non-Economic Damages
These damages cannot be quantified and are only estimated by seasoned attorneys and insurance companies. Some of these include:
• Pain and suffering
• Loss of love and consortium
• Inconvenience if you are unable to carry on with your job
** Punitive Damages
These damages are only awarded if the party at fault was outrageously negligent.
Seek the Assistance of Competent Trucking Accident Attorneys
If you have a valid trucking accident case and you believe that you’ve suffered damages due to the negligence of someone else, our Alexandria Injury Attorney are readily available for assistance. Our trucking accident attorneys in Alexandria have more than two decades of experience in tackling such cases and obtaining favorable compensation.